live in a world of suggestions every day from TV commercials, video
games, music, friends, articles or other sources. They are bombarded
constantly. Why would that affect a child more than an adult? Please
allow me to explain.
conscious mind is estimated at between 1 to 12%. It handles your logic,
reason and will power. But in a young child, logic and reason has not
developed yet.
subconscious mind is estimated between 88 and 99%. It handles all
automatic body functions such as breathing. Your subconscious handles
your associations and identifications with the past and your
imagination and expectations. The subconscious has no analytical
child’s mind is strictly subconscious. Between the ages of eight and 12
years, the critical mind begins to develop and acts like a filter in
that the child begins to question things more, beginning to develop
some logic and reason and making better decisions. The critical mind
acts like a filter and is beginning to filter out to some degree what
the child accepts.
the brain is so suggestible and immature, it is open to a great many
misconceptions. If an event involves emotion, then the emotions will
color the perception of an event for perhaps years to come. The child
acquires a context of associations and identifications and these
experiences lead the child to decide that certain things are good or
the child grows into a teenager, the critical mind is still developing,
and the teenager is still often very suggestible. It can also be a
dangerous time, because it is such a suggestible time to the many
negative influences around them. Most parents have witnessed this to
some degree.
It is easy to understand the importance of what a child hears, sees and learns.
According to the US Department
of Justice, law enforcement arrested approximately 2.8 million
juveniles in 1997. The number of juvenile violent crime arrests in 1997
exceeded the 1988 level by 49%.
By age 18 an American child will have seen 16,000 simulated murders and 200,000 acts of violence.
1999 report prepared by the Majority staff, for The Senate Committee on
the Judiciary of Utah, states that over 1,000 studies on the effects of
television and film violence have been done over the past 40 years. The
majority of the studies reach the same conclusion, that frequent
viewing of television and film violence leads to the viewers to imitate
violent behaviour. Violent video games have an effect on children
similar to violent TV.
experts believe music has an even greater effect. Research has shown
that the average teenager listens to 10,500 hours of rock music during
the years between the 7th and 12th grades. Music is believed to bypass
critical mind and drop into the subconscious mind. It affects our
emotions, our moods and our attitudes. We laugh, cry and dance to it.
children are so suggestible, the violent images drop down into the
subconscious mind without critical analysis and may have an effect on
childhood development and negatively the
value system. Not only does it steal from spontaneous, creative time
for children and adolescents, but the child may become desensitized to
violence so that it no longer shocks or upsets them. A child does not
have the analytical ability of an adult as far as the subconscious is
concerned. To further compound the problem, being accepted by their
peers is extremely important to many teens. Combine that with drugs, a
strong desire for attention and no supportive influence in their life,
and the picture becomes even more urgent. Think about the child who has
watched violence on television for years and played games shooting
figures that resemble or look like people. Would it really be such a
big step to go from watching it to doing it?
years ago, former United States Senator Paul Simon observed that
“thirty seconds of a soap bar commercial sells soap. Twenty-five
minutes worth of glorification of violence sells violence.”
1993 report by University of Washington epidemiologist Brandon S.
Centerwall expressed it this way, “If hypothetically, television
technology had never been developed, there would by 10,000 fewer
homicides each year in the United States, 70,000 fewer injurious
assaults. Violent crime would be half what it is.”
if those same hours that the child spends watching TV or playing video
games were spent doing something really constructive? How many hours in
a year would that equal? Television, like most things can be positive
or negative. It depends on how it is used.
can do something about this problem. As parents we can monitor what our
children watch on television. We can listen to the words in their music
and decide if that is the messages we want them to learn. Parents can
use tools to block access to on-line content and certain web sites.
is not uncommon to find parents who try to be their teenager’s friend.
They have friends, but they need parents. They need parents who know
where they are and ask questions. They need parents who lay down rules
in a loving way and mean for those rules to be honored.
is a natural, powerful, and effective way to raise children’s
confidence levels and therefore prevent many other problems from
occurring in the future.
hypnotherapist is a “Self Improvement” instructor, who works with
children to give them positive suggestions: raising their confidence
level and their ability to say “no” to negative influences, resulting
in improved behavior. It is a natural and effective way to help your
child to identify and associate with positive behaviors.