Hypnotherapy Can Help You Stop Smoking

"I tried gum, patches, cold turkey and nothing worked. This is what I needed, because hypnotherapy is different it worked deep in my mind. I feel that I never want to smoke ever again or why I ever wanted to in the first place. Also the fear of gaining weight is gone. I now walk in my neighborhood to lose weight.  I am happier and sleep better.  My way of thinking gets better and better so I can make better decisions.  My nerves are coming together.  I smile and laugh a lot more than before.  Life is good after all. Thanks to Laura and her gift."  -- L. Moore, Atlanta, GA


If you're a smoker, you're probably facing sticker shock right now. The cigarette manufacturers are raising their prices, and the Federal tax on cigarettes just went up. Aside from all the non-financial costs of smoking, how much do you spend on cigarettes?

The cost for a pack of cigarettes averages from $4 to $6 per pack. If we take the average of $5, and you smoke 1 pack a day,

You're spending $1,825.00 per year. Over a 5 year period, that's $9,125.00, and over 10 years that's an astounding $18,250.

Yes, we understand that it seems easier to spend a few dollars at a time on cigarettes rather than more money on treatment to quit. Add up the cost and get back to us on which one costs less.

Hypnotherapy has proven to effectively help millions of people quit smoking.

Call us today and let us help you save a lot of money, not to mention your life.

(770) 928-0394
The addiction to nicotine has been compared to the addiction to heroin in its strength. Not only is the physical addiction strong, but the emotional addiction is equally difficult to break.

Most likely you've quit smoking before, and though you got past the physical cravings, the emotional pull toward smoking never left.  You might have felt guilty in that you were denying yourself something which was still desirable.

Smoking becomes an ingrained part of your life, a ritual that accompanies certain activities, places and times of the day.  Your life becomes centered around the triggers of thinking about the next cigarette, the physical act of smoking, time spent buying cigarettes, and perpetual anxiety about running out of them.
The High Cost of Smoking

By Hilary Smith

If the threat of cancer can't persuade you to quit smoking, maybe the prospect of poverty will.

The financial consequences of lighting up stretch far beyond the cost of a pack of cigarettes. Smokers pay more for insurance. They lose money on the resale value of their cars and homes. They spend extra on dry cleaning and teeth cleaning. Long term, they earn less and receive less in pension and Social Security benefits.

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Tobacco tax increase expected to reduce smoking

By Brian Tumulty, Gannett Washington Bureau

WASHINGTON - For the estimated 20% of Americans who smoke cigarettes, the impact of a federal excise tax increase that takes effect Wednesday is already being felt.

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Smoking Cessation Statistics
-> Smokers who attempt to quit on their own without any help or support have a success rate of 2-5% after 12 months.

Smokers who quit using behavior modification and nicotine replacement together have a success rate of 50% after 12 months.

An examination of multiple research studies shows that smokers who engage in 4-5 sessions of Hypnotherapy for smoking cessation report an average success rate of 66% after 12 months.

Success rates for those using multiple Hypnotherapy sessions are 10 times higher than those who try to quit without any tools or resources.
Health Issues Related to Smoking
  • Coronary Heart Disease
  • Cancer of the lungs, mouth, bladder, intestines
  • Increased Risk of Stroke
  • Emphysema
  • High Blood Pressure
  • Decreased HDL (good) Cholesterol
  • Ulcers
  • Pneumonia
  • Pulmonary Tuberculosis
  • Chest Colds, Bronchitis and Asthma
  • Headaches
  • Insomnia
  • Stained Teeth
  • Wrinkles and Premature Aging
  • Impaired Hearing
  • Decreased Sexual Activity
  • Mental Depression
Imagine ...

…Feeling In Control Of Your Life

…The Confidence You'll Have After Losing The Heavy Burden Of Smoking

…Having More Energy To Exercise And Do The Things You Enjoy

…The Money You'll Save

…Being Able To Take Deep Breaths And Fully Taste Food

…Dealing With Life Situations More Effectively In A Calm And Relaxed Way

…Your Hair, Breath, Car, Clothing And Living Space Smelling Fresh And Clean?

How Will Hypnotherapy Help Me to Quit Smoking?
If you've tried to quit smoking before, you know what it feels like to battle the urge to light a cigarette. You made a commitment to stop, but have to fight that nagging voice that says
 "Just one cigarette".

This is because you did not become a non-smoker,
but a smoker who is abstaining from smoking.

Breaking our mind down into the conscious mind and the subconscious mind; it is estimated that the conscious mind accounts for 1 to 12% of activity, and the subconscious mind for the remaining 88 to 99%. The conscious mind handles our logic, reasoning, language and willpower functions. The subconscious mind controls all the automatic functions, associates and identifies with past conditioning, and handles our imagination and expectations.

Your conscious mind has made the decision to quit smoking, and has reviewed all the reasons that brought you to this decision. But as soon as you encounter a situation that triggers the subconscious back into action, you're reaching for a cigarette.

The 1 to 12% of your mind that says don't smoke
 is struggling against
 the 88 to 99% of your mind that is pulling you back to the old behavior.

This is where Hypnotherapy can help. While under hypnosis, your Hypnotherapist will give you positive message suggestions that bypass your conscious critical mind and settles directly into your subconscious mind.  These suggestions cause the subconscious mind to re-associate with different and more positive habits.

What Can I Expect?
Prior to your first appointment, we will ask you to watch a 25-28 min video (here) that explains how our mind takes in and processes information, how and why hypnotherapy works, and the scientific method used by our clinical hypnotherapists. You will also complete new client paperwork which includes two Suggestibility questionnaires.  After you answer the 36 Yes or No questions, our staff will scored them.  The resulting score helps identify if you are more left or right-brain oriented.

Your first session is then generally 1 1/2 to 2 hours long.  You and your Hypnotherapist will talk about your history related to smoking, how the habit is affecting your life, and factors that contribute to your smoking. Your Hypnotherapist will use the Suggestibility score as a starting point to determine the most effective method(s) to hypnotize you, and feed positive, reinforcing messages into your subconscious mind during the session. 

The Hypnotherapist will then begin the Hypnosis.  While under hypnosis, people report feeling very relaxed, yet aware and alert.  Your Hypnotherapist will give you positive message suggestions.  At the beginning, these suggestions may lose their effectiveness over time.  This is called depreciation.  To counter this depreciation, it is usually necessary for you to come back and have the suggestions reinforced, which will cause them to hold longer.  Each individual's mind acts and responds differently.  As such, one client may respond after 1 session, while others may require 4-6 sessions.

If needed, the follow-on sessions are generally on a weekly basis and run about an hour in length.