About Us
Hypnotherapy Services
Hypnosis FAQ
What is Hypnosis?
What is Suggestibility?
What is the difference between Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy?
What is a Hypnotherapist?
How does Hypnosis work?
What problems do Hypnotherapists treat?
Is Hypnotherapy effective?
Is Hypnotherapy safe?
Hypnosis Myths Busted
#1: The Hypnotist will be able to control my mind
#2: I will be made to perform embarrassing acts such as bark like a dog or walk like a duck
#3: Hypnosis comes from "Black Magic" or is "Supernatural"
#4: If I become hypnotized, I may not be able to snap out of it or Hhypnosis is dangerous
#5: I have never been hypnotized before
#6: Hypnosis is a "Miracle Cure"
#7: Hypnosis is a great tool to get someone to "confess"
#8: When hypnotized, I will lose all sense of my surroundings and will have no memory of the session
#9: Self-hypnosis is safer, better or more effective than going to a trained professional
#10: I cannot be hypnotized because my mind is too strong or disciplined
Lose Weight
Stop Smoking
Stress"The Silent Killer"
Children and Hypnotherapy
A Child's Mind
Working with Children
Children and The Media
For Your First Visit
Contact Us and Directions
Atlanta National Hypnotherapy Institute
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About Us
Hypnotherapy Services
Hypnosis FAQ
What is Hypnosis?
What is Suggestibility?
What is the difference between Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy?
What is a Hypnotherapist?
How does Hypnosis work?
What problems do Hypnotherapists treat?
Is Hypnotherapy effective?
Is Hypnotherapy safe?
Hypnosis Myths Busted
#1: The Hypnotist will be able to control my mind
#2: I will be made to perform embarrassing acts such as bark like a dog or walk like a duck
#3: Hypnosis comes from "Black Magic" or is "Supernatural"
#4: If I become hypnotized, I may not be able to snap out of it or Hhypnosis is dangerous
#5: I have never been hypnotized before
#6: Hypnosis is a "Miracle Cure"
#7: Hypnosis is a great tool to get someone to "confess"
#8: When hypnotized, I will lose all sense of my surroundings and will have no memory of the session
#9: Self-hypnosis is safer, better or more effective than going to a trained professional
#10: I cannot be hypnotized because my mind is too strong or disciplined
Lose Weight
Stop Smoking
Stress"The Silent Killer"
Children and Hypnotherapy
A Child's Mind
Working with Children
Children and The Media
For Your First Visit
Contact Us and Directions
Atlanta National Hypnotherapy Institute
Upcoming Seminars
Press Release
What is Hypnosis?
What is Suggestability?
What is the difference between hypnosis and hypnotherapy?
What is a Hypnotherapist
How does hypnosis work?
What problems do Hypnotherapists treat?
Is Hypnotherapy effective?
Is Hypnotherapy safe?
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