In each relationship, one partner is more comfortable verbalizing, touching and living by their feelings, while the other is more comfortable thinking, retaining his or her own counsel, and living by logic and reason. One is heart-ruled, one is head-ruled. While both are equally capable of thinking and feeling, and both possess an ability to act out logically or emotionally, each is more comfortable with one behavior than the other.
Learn how to move forward in your current or new partnership
Be armed with a road map showing you where the pitfalls are.
How to avoid stumbling into them.
Learn to look at potential partners with new insight.
Identify and understand your sexual personality.
The E And P Factor Goes Beyond Gender Differences
The "E and P" Factor has literally changed lives by eliminating years of frustration and confusion. We continually hear our seminar attendee’s comment:
"This has given me a better understanding of all relationships; partner, children, parents, siblings, friends, coworkers, boss, and everyone. It makes so much sense."
The "E and P" Factor we cover in our seminars is based on the research of Dr. John Kappas, who has over 40 years experience in the field of hypnotherapy, sex therapy, and relationship counseling. He has written extensively on the subject of hypnotherapy and subconscious programming and is recognized as a world-wide authority in the field. Dr. Kappas' concept of sexual suggestibility (this is the outward behavior) has completely revolutionized the field of hypnotherapy.
His theory of emotional and physical sexuality will forever change how you view your relationships and the behavior of everyone you meet.
At one time, it was believed that about 60% of the population could not be hypnotized. That was because the same hypnotic techniques were applied to every client. However, since the research of Dr. Kappas, we now know that everyone can be hypnotized. They just have to be worked with differently. By understanding left & right brain suggestible behaviors, the hypnotherapist can tailor each hypnotic induction to fit each individual client.
The knowledge you gain from these seminars, or from hypnotherapy sessions, will not only help you understand the nature of your own suggestibility, but that of others as well.
Relationship Strategies is the most important relationship book you will ever read. The book reveals, at last, why:
- We chose the partners we chose in relationships.
- Why the honeymoon stage ends.
- Why one partner starts to want sex more than the other.
- Why we repeat the same patterns in relationships over and over.
Relationship Strategies explains the subconscious forces that dictate our behavior in relationships and how to get those powerful forces working for us instead of against us.
This top rated book on Amazon is available on our online store at a better price than you can find on Amazon.