Myth #10: I can't be hypnotized because my mind is too strong or disciplined
Fact: This is an archaic belief that has, in recent times, been proven untrue. It was once thought that only 50% of the population could be hypnotized. Over the last 30 years, Dr. John Kappas developed methods to induce hypnosis in 100% of the population. During your first session, we utilize Dr. Kappas' methods, and will be able to determine what type of suggestibility you have, and hence, how to Hypnotize you. Because it is your decision to use Hypnosis for self-improvement, your mind has already accepted the idea of Hypnotherapy.
HypnoGenesis - September 30, 2004
Hypnosis: Dispelling the Top Ten Myths
by Alanna F. Fox, C.Ht. & Terril D. Starks, C.Ht.